Gamera Wiki
Disclaimer: Daiei Film Co., Ltd. and Nikkatsu merged companies to share distribution costs of daiei's films bankruptcy Daiei did not change there name.

Dainichi Eihai Co. Ltd logo

Dainichi Film Distribution Co., Ltd (DN ダイニチ映配株式会社,   Dainichi Eihai Kabushikigaisha?), also known as Dainichi Eihai was a Japanese film studio and Distributor known for taking over Daiei and there Gamera series after the company went bankrupt.


Dainichi Film was the result of Daiei and Nikkatsu Corporation merging to share distribution costs. This partnership would last until August of 1971, when Nikkatsu withdrew from this deal. On November 29, 1971, Daiei filed for bankruptcy, and in 1974 was purchased by Tokuma Shoten.

Selected filmography[]

