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The Supersonic Scalpel (超音波メス?) is Chō-Onpa-MesuGyaos and most of its variants' signature ability. It is a highly dangerous sonic energy beam generated by concentrating either ultrasound cries or sound emission of Gyaos and Iris.
Gyaos and its variants' most iconic signature ability is the Supersonic Scalpel produced by their ultrasound screams or sound emissions that are apparently able to resonate at 3 million hertz.. They fires the attack either from their mouths or tentacles. This attack takes the form of a thin, yellow or red beams that can slice apart objects with incredible precision.
Showa era[]
Heisei Trilogy[]
Gamera the Brave[]
2015 short film[]
GAMERA -Rebirth-[]
Unlike previous incarnations, this version is red in coloration and produces extreme heat to cause fatal damages on humans nearby. However, it was inferior to Gamera's armors and shell.
Unlike its kin, Iris doesn't have visible mouth while possessing tentacles functioning as mouths, somewhat similar to Viras from GAMERA -Rebirth-. Therefore, Iris creates Supersonic Scalpels via sound emissions rather than actual screams while it actually has vocalizations.
S-Gyaos appeared in GAMERA -Rebirth- is an empowered mutant of normal Gyaos. It further increased its attack power, enabling it to split the sea and instantly destroys multiple tanks and warships at once, and it burned the points it hit. However, it was inferior to Gamera's armors and shell.
- The scene in which S-Gyaos attacks Gamera with Supersonic Scalpel somewhat resembles a similar scene in the 1967 film Gamera vs. Gyaos.[1][2]
- Gamera blocking Supersonic Scalpel S-Gyaos with his arm also somewhat resembles a scene in the battle of Shibuya in Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris.